On Wednesday night at the candidates forum the most common question asked of me was how I feel about the Lake Powell Pipeline. I will address this question as best I can with the information I have thus far.
I feel the major concern regarding the pipeline is the price tag attached to it. A billion dollars is hard for most of us to comprehend. I have met with Ron Thompson and others at the Water Conservancy District. I have also read and studied the many arguments made in opposition to the pipeline.
We can all agree Washington County needs a reliable water source for our future. If we do not have reliable water sources we cannot survive. We also cannot attract businesses to our community. A community that is economically successful benefits us all. Water is key for that success. We should look at all reasonable options when it comes to water. We can all do our part to be responsible and conserve. Conservation is not the only answer. Even with strict conservation we still need to develop water sources for future generations. I am not convinced the pipeline is the only solution to our water needs.
At this time there is no reason not to believe what the Water Conservancy District has said in regards to how they will pay for the pipeline. Karry Rathje, Public Information Manager with the Water Conservancy District has said, "Tax increases or raised water rates are not planned to fund this project. Low interest government grants and bonds in addition to upfront district funding, generated primarily from impact fees, will be used. A portion of the district's share of the Lake Powell Pipeline down payment has already been paid. Financial planning is well underway to ensure adequate funding for the project, which will have a 50-year payoff schedule." What is essential is that the financial planning and accurate projection be completed prior to commitments imposed on future generations.
I am still watching closely and doing my research on the pipeline. We still have questions that need to be answered. What will the final cost be? How will that cost affect each individual in Washington County? Is Lake Powell the only viable option? Answers to these and other questions will provide us with the transparency essential for the community to feel comfortable with the final decision regarding the pipeline. My efforts will be to assure that openness.
Residents are encouraged to attend the presentations given in regards to the pipeline. The next Citizens Advisory Committee and Gov. Herbert's listening session will be held on Thursday July 25th at 7:00 pm in the Dunford Auditorium at Dixie State University. This issue affects us all. We need to attend and become informed.
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