A topic of interest to many residents is growth in our city. There are times I would like to rewind to the days of the late 70's when my family moved to this area. St George was a small town and most everyone knew each other. The crime rate was extremely low, there was open space everywhere, there was only one high school, and we had a drive in movie theater. We must never leave our traditions in the past, even if they only serve as reminders of the "good ol' days."
Much has changed over the last 3 decades. Change does not have to have a negative connotation attached. We have grown tremendously over the years. And we have benefited from that growth, and also encountered new challenges.
I believe we need balanced growth. We have to make sure we have the resources necessary to support growth ie: water, power, infrastructure, and public safety. We cannot grow at an unsustainable rate. We have to plan wisely for the growth ahead.
Another candidate seeking a seat on the council this year has said, “Growth is the moving force/cause behind most all municipal concerns in one way or another.” I am in agreement with that statement. Balanced growth will be our best ally for the future. If we work together as a team, in an open transparent manner, I have complete confidence we can successfully resolve any challenge or municipal concern we encounter. I have said that part of my platform is preserving the valued traditions of St. George. One such tradition has been our long-standing ability to resolve our common challenges. We can do so again.
I remember the drive-in theater. Good times.